Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Push-ups :This is often your shoulders and upper chest muscle building exercises focusing on your hands shoulder width apart about neglected. When you first push - ups, they can be difficult to start, but when you put them on, they will be easy. Your triceps and shoulders (deltoids) Push work. / Side effects back muscles push as an added benefit. Variation: emphasize your legs and upper chest to his shoulders, raising his hands has increased its emphasis on the lower chest.

Bench Press :all time most popular chest building exercise. Once the chest down to your chest until you have about 1 bench press triceps and shoulders (deltoids) by accessing the "works. Muscle building hypertrophy 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps between

Incline Bench Press: The bench press is the same, only it focuses more on your upper pectoral muscles.

Decline bench press :Decline bench press bench press is the same, only it focuses more on lower pectoral muscles. Most people do not exercise, but it is necessary to obtain a full and rounded chest, or your chest may seem strange.

Incline Flies :This dramatically its strength, but in a good way pecs, will not increase the size. It also has a great vibe to his pecs.

Bar Dips :Using a wide grip parallel bar, you pull down the bar and slowly raise it back up. This lets you start a strenuous exercise may have some trouble. But at least the best pec workout to build chest muscle movements you can do a lot more quickly.

Lie down pushup position :push-ups, as if you are doing a pushup. Hold for 3 seconds. Then, transfer all your weight on your right hand and foot. Your left hand and foot air (should look like a sideways jumping jacks) Stay. Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat with your left arm and leg. Then, hold for 3 seconds.

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